Please complete it as soon as possible.
Winter newsletter
Our latest newsletter is now available for download here.
Please take some time to have a read through.
Are you a keen footballer and want to play for your local girls football team?
If you are, Bleak Hill Rovers are recruiting girl players who will be going into year 6 in September to join their new girls football team, Bleak Hill Rovers Santos.
Currently training takes place at Bleak Hill School at 2 – 3pm every Sunday, moving to Wednesday nights when the season begins.
The team is already entered in the Warrington Junior Girls Football League with matches taking place on a Saturday morning.
Come along, make friends and have fun with Bleak Hill Rovers, an FA Chartered Standard Club.
For more details please email info@bleakhillrovers. com
New Kit and Equipment Orders
If you want to order any kit or equipment there are some guidelines and a request form that have been added to the website recently. More information can be found under the ‘Equipment’ menu item.
The request procedure can be found here
The form for requesting new kit and equipment can be found here.
FA Respect Programme
We have recently had a presentation from the FA on their “Respect” programme which helped us all appreciate the potential pitfalls of becoming too engrossed in winning at the expense of ensuring the youngsters enjoy the game and so we would like to ask you to encourage your youngsters but, more importantly, help them enjoy their game of football.