Are you a keen footballer and want to play for your local girls football team?

If you are, Bleak Hill Rovers are recruiting girl players who will be going into year 6 in September to join their new girls football team, Bleak Hill Rovers Santos.

Currently training takes place at Bleak Hill School at 2 – 3pm every Sunday, moving to Wednesday nights when the season begins.

The team is already entered in the Warrington Junior Girls Football League with matches taking place on a Saturday morning.

Come along, make friends and have fun with Bleak Hill Rovers, an FA Chartered Standard Club.

For more details please email  info@bleakhillrovers. com

Junior football in St Helens for Girls

Girls Junior Football

In September we will be starting a girls junior football training group which will lead to us forming girls junior football teams.

If you are interested in coming along and are aged 5 to 11, then email Cyril Barratt on